
Guide to the Cosmos
on Radio

Hosted by
Dr. Robert Piccioni

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Einstein's Relativity
print book

Feynman Simplified
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Feynman Simplified
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Everyone's Guide
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World without Einstein
Series Introduction

World Without Einstein

Einstein and GPS

World Without Einstein

Einstein and Lasers - - World without Einstein series
Einstein-Particles, Waves and the Photoelectric Effect - - World without Einstein series
Einstein proves atoms do exist - - World without Einstein series
Einstein and Lasers

World Without Einstein

Einstein-Particles, Waves
& the Photoelelectric Effect

World Without Einstein
Einstein Proves
Atoms do Exist

World Without Einstein

Einstein and Quantum Mechanics Part 2 -- World Without Einstein Series Einstein and Quantum Mechanics Part 1 -- World Without Einstein Series E=mc2 -- World Without Einstein Series
Einstein and Quantum Mechanics
Part 2

World Without Einstein

Einstein and Quantum Mechanics
Part 1

World Without Einstein



World Without Einstein


Telling time with atoms Traveling through Space & Time with Einstein-Shortcuts through wormholes
Dark Energy: it's Most
of What's Out there

Telling Time with
Ageless Atoms

Traveling through Space
& Time with Einstein

World Without Einstein

Edwin Hubble GAVRT
Edwin Hubble
Did Scientists on '60 Minutes'
Lie about Cold Fusion?

GAVRT: Kids Discovering
the Cosmos

Michelson-Morley Interferometer Paul Davies Bullet Cluster
Hey Einstein, My Yardstick
is Longer than Yours

Searching for ET Searching for
Dark Matter

Cepheid RR Pup Asteroid Eros Black hole
First Famous
Woman Astronomer

Can We Protect Earth
from Asteroids?

Peek into a Black Hole
Atom Nucleus Binocular Telescopes Supernova Discoverer
Journey to the
Center of the Atom

Double the Fun with
Binocular Telescopes

Supernova Discoverer

Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles

Birth of the Moon Blue Marble Earth
Ancient Observatory
Griffith Observatory

How was our Moon Made? Gravity and the 3 Rs

What time is it?

SN1987a - SuperNova 1987a ©R. Gendler
Photograph by R. Gendler
Hey, Einstein,
What Time is it?

Hunting for Supernovae in
your Spare Time

Photography That's
Out of this World

our Moon Jupiter's Red Spot Albert Einstein
Is There Water
on the Moon?

Alicia's Summer Job
on Jupiter

Einstein, Light &
the Odd Nobel Prize

Asteroid Impact on Earth Honeybee Gamma Ray Astronoy
Apollo Astronaut asks:
“Will We Choose to Save Earth?

The World of Honeybees Gamma Ray Astronomy

Double Helix

©R. Gendler
Andromeda Galaxy

St Croix Telescope

Can Life be Merely an Accident?

Andromeda Cometh

World's Largest Telescopes

Blue Marble Earth

The largest antennas in NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN).

Rainforest of Costa Rica

Green Energy that's CLENR

NASA Deep Space Network

Energy and the Environment

our Sun

Chichen Itza Pyramid

Carb Nebula

We Are Stardust"

Will the World End in 2012?

2009:Year of the Telescope