A World Without Einstein - new eBook

A World
Without Einstein

Robert L. Piccioni, Ph.D.

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Albert Einstein - Time Magazine's Person of the Century

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Most people know that Einstein was a great scientist, but many think his theories are so esoteric and purely academic that they have nothing to do with our daily lives.


In our technology-driven society, where even toothbrushes contain microcomputers, Einstein’s legacy is everywhere. This book explores the incredible degree to which we all rely on his discoveries.

I designed this book to be enjoyable and enlightening, for both those who love science, and those who fear physics and are allergic to math. Each chapter describes in plain English something Einstein discovered and shows why this discovery is important to you.

Some claim that if Einstein hadn’t made these discoveries, surely someone else would have…eventually.  However, some of Einstein’s discoveries are so extraordinary that without his genius they might remain undiscovered today, even after 100 years.

So, what do we owe to Einstein? For starters, how about:

Solar cells
Cell phones
Laser printers
Nuclear weapons
Bar code scanners
Digital electronics
Inertial navigation
Laser range finding
MRI body scanners
Automatic door openers
Laser eye and heart surgery
Magnetically levitated trains
Digital cameras and video cameras
Internet and telephone communication
Our most powerful telescopes and microscopes
And, our understanding of our place in the cosmos

Not too shabby for just one guy.
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Available for Nook

Over 30 figures included, for example:

Spiraling Electrons
Figure 5.1. Before Quantum Mechanics, physicists thought electrons (solid lines) should lose energy by radiating photons (dotted lines) and spiral into the nucleus (central black circle) of their atom. If so, all atoms would collapse, become inert, and life would be impossible.

Time dilation
Figure 9.3. A stationary clock on the left has two mirrors and a photon bouncing between them; it counts one tick each time the photon hits the upper mirror. A second identical clock moves to the right at 90% of the speed of light. Both photons move at the same speed, but the one on the right appears to us to have a longer path to travel between mirrors. We see everything in the moving frame change slower; we see time itself running slower.

Figure 7.1. This image illustrates the creation of a laser beam that emerges at the right. Electrons (black dots) in many different atoms are “pumped” to a higher energy level (upper row of dashes). When a photon (upper solid line) of the correct energy passes, it stimulates electrons to drop to a lower energy level (bottom row of dashes) and emit matching photons.
Curved SpaceTime
Figure 10.3. Einstein said curved spacetime causes the effect we call gravity. Here, the three dimensions of our Solar System are represented by the warped, two-dimensional, crosshatched surface. The Sun curves spacetime where it is, and Earth responds to curved spacetime where it is. The fabric of spacetime is the mechanism that connects them