Guide to the Cosmos
Making the Wonders of our Universe

Accessible to Everyone

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Our Place in the Universe
Presented at the University Series 
of the Catholic Parishes of Ventura County

(click on the image)
Compatibility of Science & Faith
This talk emphasizes the compatibility of science and faith, and the place humanity finds itself in the cosmic scheme of things.

The University Series offers sessions connecting faith with real life in areas such as current events, contemporary moral issues, evangelization, faith and science, and many others.


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Videos on YouTube

Just a few loose ends?

Echo of the Big Bang, Pigeon Poop
& the Nobel Prize

Einstein proves
existence of Atoms

Andromeda Galaxy
Will Andromeda Galaxy
consume the Milky Way?

Brownian Motion
The Mystery of
Brownian Motion

Hubble Telescope
Hubble Telescope - Greatest
Advance in Astronomy in 400 year

Too Elegant to be wrong Interview with Sweet Lou
- Black Holes

Wave Interference
What lies behond our universe?
What lies beyond our universe?

Is light a particle
or a wave?

How many stars are there in our Universe?
How many Stars in our Universe?

Hubble's Law & the Big Bang
Hubble's Law & the Big Bang

Expansion of the Universe
How is our Universe Expanding
and What about the Galaxies?

