book is the fourth stage of our exploration of Quantum Mechanics in the
Everyone’s Guide Series.
We first review waves and particle-wave duality. We'll revisit the
Uncertaintly Principle, and discuss the Two-Slit Experiment in depth.
Then, we delve deeper into wavefunctions and explore more Quantum
Mechanical mysteries: barrier penetration and spin. We’ll discover how
barrier penetration allows particles to “pass through” walls, enables
radioactivity, makes star shine, and powers microelectronics in all our
digital devices.
Spin is a uniquely quantum mechanical property of all particles. We’ll
explore how spin makes matter rigid, controls the formation of atoms
and molecules, and enables lasers and superconductivity.

As more electrons drop and emit photons into the common state, the
stimulation effect grows ever stronger. Soon, the number of photons
grows exponentially, producing an intense beam of coherent photons, all
in a common state of energy, direction, and spin: a laser beam.
Initially, the laser was
derided as
being an invention in search of an application. Today, hardly any other
technology is more versatile.
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in the