Our Universe Print book

Guide to the Cosmos

Making the Wonders of our Universe

Accessible to Everyone

Robert L. Piccioni, Ph.D.

Our Universe
The Known & the Unknown

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This book tells the story of our universe, what we know, what remains unknown, and how humans fit into the grand cosmic scheme. We will explore the most important facts and concepts, with a minimum of complex math.

Einstein said:
"The most incomprehensible thing
about our universe is
that it is comprehensible."

Perhaps he meant, how is it possible that something so vast can be rationalized within a human mind that weighs only three pounds?

We know of no other creatures that ponder what lies beyond their immediate surroundings. Yet we humans claim to understand what lies beyond the most remote stars, what happened billions of years ago, and what will happen in the distant future.

We all have questions about the universe, including:

Did our universe always exist?
If not, what came before, how did it begin, and how old is it?

How large is our universe, and what does it contain?

Is our universe all that exists?
If not, what lies beyond?
Are there other universes?

Is our universe special in any way?
How common are habitable planets?

Is the origin of life inevitable or miraculous?

Will our universe last forever?
If not, how long will it last, and how will it end?

These are profound questions that we have asked for thousands of years —probably ever since we became human. All peoples have addressed such questions. Our search for answers is the origin of science.

We now have good answers to some of these questions, and plausible guesses for others. But for some, we have no clue, as yet.

Possibly the need to explore the unknown is an essential part of what it means to be human. We ponder more than just our immediate existence; we seem compelled to reach beyond for the limits of reality.

Reaching may be as important as grasping.

This book explores science’s best understanding of our universe:  the Inflationary Big Bang theory. We will cover every major topic, including:

The Size, Age, and Contents of “Our Universe”

The Eras of Quantum Gravity, Inflation, and the Big Bang

Galaxies, Stars, and Planets

Atoms, Particles, and Antimatter

The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation

Measuring Cosmic Distances, Redshifts, and Standard Candles

White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars, Black Holes, and Supernovae

Cosmic Expansion, Acceleration, and the FLRW Equation

What’s Expanding and What’s Not?

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

What Came Before, What Lies Beyond, if anything?

Enjoy Exploring!